Spagnolo B1.2.1 Una candidata interessante Condividi Copiato!
Due reclutatori discutono la stesura di un'email per confermare un colloquio di lavoro.
Diálogo: Una candidata interesante
Dos reclutadores discuten la redacción de un mail para confirmar una entrevista de trabajo.
B1 Spagnolo
Livello: B1
Modulo 1: Charlas y conversaciones (Chiacchiere e conversazioni)
Lezione 2: Escribir correos electrónicos y cartas (Scrivere e-mail e lettere)
Linee guida per l'insegnamento +/- 15 minuti
Audio e video
1. | Reclutador 1: | ¿Has leído el email de María? | ( tags has to included in the translation, and the tags should be included in the translation in the equivalent position. Use the vocabulary as used in Italy">Caricamento della traduzione...) |
2. | Reclutadora 2: | Sí, me parece una candidata interesante. | (Sì, mi sembra una candidata interessante.) |
3. | Reclutador 1: | ¿Redactas tú el email de confirmación? | ( tags has to included in the translation, and the tags should be included in the translation in the equivalent position. Use the vocabulary as used in Italy">Caricamento della traduzione...) |
4. | Reclutadora 2: | ¿Cuál es el asunto? | ( tags has to included in the translation, and the tags should be included in the translation in the equivalent position. Use the vocabulary as used in Italy">Caricamento della traduzione...) |
5. | Reclutador 1: | "Invitación a entrevista - nombre y apellidos". Creo que es breve y formal | ( tags has to included in the translation, and the tags should be included in the translation in the equivalent position. Use the vocabulary as used in Italy">Caricamento della traduzione...) |
6. | Reclutadora 2: | Creo que es bastante breve. | ( tags has to included in the translation, and the tags should be included in the translation in the equivalent position. Use the vocabulary as used in Italy">Caricamento della traduzione...) |
7. | Reclutador 1: | Escribes "Apreciada María", es siempre una saludo formal. | ( tags has to included in the translation, and the tags should be included in the translation in the equivalent position. Use the vocabulary as used in Italy">Caricamento della traduzione...) |
8. | Reclutadora 2: | Ahora le propongo unas fechas y horas para la entrevista. | (Ora le propongo alcune date e orari per il colloquio.) |
9. | Reclutador 1: | ¡No olvides incluir la despedida y la firma! | ( tags has to included in the translation, and the tags should be included in the translation in the equivalent position. Use the vocabulary as used in Italy">Caricamento della traduzione...) |